Ground Beef/Hamburger. In chubs that are slightly more than 1 lb
Grass-Finished, 100% grass-fed beef: Fed NO Grain. Nothing GMO! No antibiotics. No hormones. No Chemicals. Just tasty, healthy beef.
We have 2 “grades” of ground beef–“Standard” and “Premium.”
Standard ground beef is made from the trimmings after the premium cuts have been cut and packaged.
Single 1 lb chubs: $10
Bundle of TEN 1 lb chubs: $97.50($9.75/lb)
Bundle of TWENTY 1 lb chubs $190 ($9.50/lb)
Premium ground beef is made from the WHOLE cow, minus the filets, KC Strips, and ribeyes. So premium includes the chuck, sirloin, brisket, short ribs, arm roasts, etc. This gives the meat a richer, more complex flavor profile. (It comes in the same chubs that our standard ground beef come in, but we have clearly identified the “premium” from our standard ground beef in the freezers.)
1 lb chub, $12.50/lb,
10 chub bundle $122.50 ($12.25/lb)
20 chub bundle $240 ($12/lb)