We specialize in producing the highest quality raw milk possible.

By purchasing dairy products from us, you agree to abide by our Waiver of Liability. (Placing an online order will require you click that you agree to our Terms and Conditions, which is our Waiver.)
BREED:  Our cows are Jersey, Guernsey, Jersey-Holstein crosses, and Jersey-British White crosses. We have been intentionally breeding toward better grass-based genetics that allow our cows to thrive on a 100% forage-based diet, and dual-purpose genetics to produce high quality beef from our male off-spring. While the cream line is not as thick as pure Jersey genetics, there is still plenty of rich golden cream in every jar. We are also breeding for A2 beta-casein genetics.
A2: “A2 milk” comes from cows that have been genetically tested and confirmed to only produce A2 beta casein. For a full explanation about how A2 milk differs from conventional store-bought milk, visit our A2 Milk page
FEED: Our cows are 100% grass-fed. During the pasture growing season, our cows are rotationally grazed–given a new paddock of fresh grass and clover every single day.  They are supplemented with non-GMO alfalfa baleage and grass hay.  Our property is never sprayed with chemicals.
Cows that are 100% grass-fed have a healthier gut and are less likely to produce virulent strains of bacteria (like E-coli).  They also produce less total milk volume, but the milk is generally more nutrient-dense with higher concentrations of Omega-3 fatty acids.  Grain-fed cows will produce more milk, but the milk tends to be less nutrient-dense (more watered down.)
Our cows have access to a free-choice cafeteria of over 20 minerals available to them at all times.  This allows them to self-select the minerals that the feed is deficient in.  This ensures the milk you drink is also nutritionally balanced.
SANITATION:  We spent over 5 years building a barn that would enable us to produce extremely clean milk.  We know that many of our clients have health conditions they are trying to treat with food as medicine.  The cleanliness of our milk is evident by the long shelf life.  We have not been able to find a lab that will test our milk locally, and shipping the milk to a distant lab gets pricey.  But we feel confident that our milk is extremely clean.  I drank it while pregnant, and my youngest children have drunk it from the time they were infants.
DISEASE:  Missouri is a TB-Free and Brucellosis-Free state.  The state has not had a case of these diseases in many years and it is considered eradicated, so we are not required by law to test or vaccinate for these diseases.  (Interestingly, there have been cases recently in other states of humans getting Brucellosis from cows who got the disease FROM THE VACCINE.)  
HUMANE: Our barn also enables us to milk our cows once a day and allow the calves to nurse all afternoon with their moms in the pasture.  During milking, we bring the calves in next to their mothers’ side to naturally trigger oxytocin release in the cow, which ensures we get full let-down of all of the cream.  Cows are amazing mothers, and have the ability to hold back their cream for their calf if they know they will get to nurse their calf after milking.  By bringing the calf into the barn during milking, we make sure you get all of the cream you expect (usually 4% fat). It takes us longer to milk this way every day, but we are committed to ensuring the humane treatment of our cows and calves.  Both our mama’s and our babies are healthier and happier doing a once-a-day milking, and we think that translates to Happy Milk too!


If you have any milk that sours or develops an “off” flavor in less than 7 days from original purchase, we will prorate any unused portion of milk that is returned to us when you exchange your jars for new milk.

PLEASE DON’T DISCARD OR POUR OUT THE MILK FROM YOUR JAR. We won’t know how much money to credit you if you discard it. Also, the milk will provide us clues as to what the issue was that caused the off flavor. We feed cultured or “off” milk to our pigs and chickens. 


Because raw milk is home to many wonderful probiotic microorganisms, if your milk is not kept cold and clean, it will begin to culture. Culturing is wonderful if that is what you are going for. But if you are hoping to keep your milk fresh and sweet tasting, please follow these guidelines.

  1. Keep your milk temperature at a constant 34-36 degrees at ALL times. To do this we recommend you:
  2. Transport your milk in an ice chest or insulated cooler bag with ice or ice blocks. Rather than spending money on purchasing ice, try filling a few old plastic containers (like 32 oz yogurt, sour cream, etc.) with water and freezing those to create your own “ice packs” that can be returned to the freezer. You can also fill zip-lock bags with salt water (2 Tblsp salt per 2 cups of water) to create an ice pack.
  3. Store your milk in the coldest, darkest spot in your fridge. (Generally this is a bottom shelf, toward the back.)
  4. Only take your milk out of the fridge long enough to pour the amount you will be using right then, then place it back in the fridge.

If you find that your milk is culturing/souring faster than normal, check the temperature of your fridge with a thermometer. Make sure it is set at about 34 degrees.


Our milk generally stays sweet for 2+ weeks when kept cold.  But if you don’t use all of your milk before it starts to culture a bit, you can still use it in many great ways.

  1. Biscuits, pancakes, breads. (It will make them light and fluffy when you add the baking soda.)
  2. Soak your grains if you follow Nourishing Traditions grain preparation methods.
  3. Smoothies. Add a couple of frozen bananas and some vanilla and you’ll have an amazing, sweet milkshake without even adding sugar.
  4. Add to sauces & soups in place of sour cream or milk.